NeuroBioMat (NBM) was founded in 2018 based on the revolutionary work carried out by Doctor Stéphane Woerly for over 20 years. NBM is a French start-up that aims at developing a treatment for repairing injured spinal cords at the chronic stage, using its proprietary hydrogel-based formulation technology. NBM’s mission is to significantly improve the outcome for patients suffering from severe motor and sensory disabilities.
Spinal cord traumas cause loss of tissue volume and interruption of ascending and descending major axonal tracts that results in a loss of neurological functions. Spontaneous healing is not possible because of insufficient compensatory plasticity of the neural tissue.
NBM has developed a breakthrough technology aimed to cure paraplegia with a very significant competitive advantage designed to "biologically" restore the missing nerve connections of the spinal cord, an essential step to restore the transmission of nerve impulses, and to restore mobility, sensitivity and function permanently.
NBM is supported by the French National Bank BPI and labeled as a “Deep Tech Start-up". NBM also received the Trophée de l’Innovation 2020 in the category Innovative Medical Technology.


Stéphane Woerly MD, PhD
President, Chief Scientific Officer
Chief Medical Officer
Dr. Woerly is co-founder and President of NeuroBioMat (NBM) and currently serves as Chief Scientific Officer and Chief Medical Officer. He brings more than 30 years of experience in the field of biomaterials, biotechnology, and regenerative medicine. He specialized in the macromolecular chemistry of hydrogels at the Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry of the Czech Republic Academy of Sciences. He also followed an experimental neurosurgical training in the Neurosurgery and Anatomy Division, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Ottawa (Canada).
His pioneering work focused primarily on neural tissue engineering using hydrogel-based scaffolds and has greatly contributed to a novel neurorestorative approach to treat lesions of the spinal cord. He has held academic positions including Professor of Tissue Engineering in the Department of Surgery at Laval University and Quebec Biomaterial Institute (Canada), as well as Director of Research at CNRS and Grenoble Institute of Neurosciences (France). Dr. Woerly was also Fellow of the Medical Research Council of Canada.
Dr. Woerly is the author of 150 scientific journal articles, proceedings and book chapters and also has several active patents. He was Founder, CEO and Chief Scientific Officer at Organogel (Canada) for 9 years, a biotech company focusing on the Neurotech business segments of restorative neurosurgery. Dr. Woerly holds an MD and a degree in Neurochemistry from the University of Strasbourg (France) and a PhD in Neurosciences from Laval University (Canada).